
The Amazon 2022 Holiday Calendar| What Sellers Need to Know

January 18, 2022

Many shoppers wait for certain seasons or holidays to purchase their products. Think of Valentine’s Day, Spring Break, Black Friday, and Prime Day. And although many of the dates are still yet to be confirmed, sellers can prepare their marketing schedule with this Amazon 2022 Holiday Calendar we’ve put together, based on past events.

Therefore, we’ve decided to give you some tips so you can get the most of each holiday!

Scroll down to learn more!

Amazon 2022 Shopping Events

Amazon shopping events are special dates in which consumers search and buy specific products. And for FBA sellers, these are a great opportunity to boost sales.

Each year’s holiday is an opportunity to increase a brand’s visibility on Amazon. Prime Day is the best example.

Amazon’s flag program rewards subscribers with special deals and fast deliveries. Plus, sellers enjoy a unique opportunity to delight customers.

But Prime Day is not the only time for sellers to drive revenue.

Amazon puts in a lot of effort to promote these shopping events every year. It’s only natural that sellers also make the most of each date.

The question is, what are the best tools sellers have to promote their products? And which are the best marketing strategies for each holiday? Well, let’s take a look.

Download the Amazon Shopping Events Calendar for Brand Owners here.

Amazon 2022 Holiday Strategies

Let’s review the best strategies to boost sales during the Amazon 2022 holidays.

Amazon Stores

Amazon stores are custom landing sites for brand registered sellers. You can set up your own store to showcase your best products in the marketplace.

This is a great destination to lead your Amazon customers. Plus, it makes the seller-customer interaction a lot easier. Here’s how:

Promoting a custom URL to boost recognition.Share your story with personalized content.Set up a more direct channel with your customers.

Lightning Deals

Shopping events are a great time to use Lighting Deals. These are promotions that are active for a limited timeframe.

Lighting Deals appear on Amazon’s “Today’s Deals” page. They usually run every day, but some brands may save them for special holiday offers.

One lighting deal is a chance for buyers to get unique discounts for a few hours. Plus, it’s also a unique tool to make yourself known to attract new followers.

Lightning Deals are available for Pro sellers with a 3.5-star rating. Once you set it up, the marketplace will flag it to feature in the marketplace.

Related Article: What You Need to Know About Amazon Lightning Deals

Sponsored Campaigns

Build event awareness with Sponsored ads. These are cost-per-click (CPC) promotions, featured in search results and product listings.

You can select three options of sponsored ads:

Sponsored Products. Easy to create ads, with automatic targeting for customers searching for items similar to yours.Sponsored Display. You can feature sponsored displays on and off the marketplace. Use them in your own shop, or in social media.Sponsored Brands. Ideal to showcase multiple items on a single CPC ad. It’s a perfect tool to stand from the crown, and drive users to your products.

Sponsored ads highlight specific items to Amazon customers. So, if a buyer finds your ad, he may click on it to check out your offer.

Influencer Marketing

Do not rely on ads too much. Modern consumers have a distaste for ads. They’d much prefer recommendations from a trusted source. This is where influencer marketing comes in.

Influencer marketing relies on social media stars for promotion. Partner up with established influencers to attract niche audiences into their listings.

This is one of the best ways to reach audiences. Consumers trust influencers, and established personalities can drive engaged users in no time.

Seek out influencers who are interested in your brand. With their help, and a balanced sponsored campaign, you’ll drive visibility to the clouds.

Also, make sure you partner up with micro-influencers to attract specific audiences. These personalities do not boast many followers, but they have a more engaged audience.

So, if the micro-influencer trusts and endorses your products, consumers will surely follow their shopping advice.

Seasonal Giveaways

Set up holiday special giveaways to attract customers through social media. Giveaways boost awareness and engagement.

Holiday giveaways are a great tool to start promoting seasonal sales. Plus, you’ll get a unique chance to interact with clients.

Amazon SEO

Better exposure means better sales. Sellers want to be at the top of Amazon search results. One of the best ways to get there is with an SEO strategy.

SEO is a simple concept. It’s about optimizing your listings with targeted keywords. Here’s what you need to focus on:

Frontend Keywords. These are simple keywords customers use to search on Amazon. Such terms identify your items and make them stand out.Backend Keywords. ‘Hidden’, relevant terms within your listings. You can place them in Seller Central to boost your visibility further.Long-tail keywords. Longer, more specific terms. They are great to target niche audiences to your product listings.

One great strategy is to come up with catchy phrases that contain high-rated keywords. That way, you’ll create engaging long-tail keywords to drive conversions.

Be careful not to cram up your listings with keywords. Focus on the most relevant keywords for each product, no on the most terms. Keyword value is always better than keyword amount.

Related Article: Improve Your Product Visibility Using Backend Keywords

A+ Content (Enhanced Brand Content)

It’s not all about text and keywords. Visuals also play a key role in customer conversion.

Amazon customers first check out product images when they look at a product. So, it’s crucial to invest in high-quality visuals to increase conversion rates.

We recommend you create Enhanced Brand Content. This Amazon feature allows sellers to add images to product descriptions.

Make sure each product image shows how your item will benefit customers. Give them all the relevant data in a clear, simple way to keep their interest.

Make the Most of 2022

It’s time to prepare for the Amazon 2022 holidays! Mark all the dates on your business calendar. Then, use the tools we review to prepare for each season of the year.

Remember, organization is the key to success on Amazon. Keep an eye on your consumer’s habits and on each year’s big shopping event.

Use the Amazon 2022 holiday calendar to plan your marketing strategies. You’ll have a unique edge to improve visibility, and drive conversions all year round. 


AMZ Advisers Content Team

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