
‘Tis the Season to Build a Brand Store Strategy on Amazon

December 16, 2021

In the final stretch of 2021, the health and supply chain crises have impacted year-end sales. But no matter how difficult the current outlook seems, it is a fact that the Christmas season is a time when people turn to online shopping to purchase their gifts. This is why sellers should make sure their brand store strategy on Amazon ticks all the boxes.

It goes without saying that the Tech Giant is a great place for sellers to set up shop and attempt to become as visible as possible.

It’s an expansive platform for sellers to get their brand out there and hopefully grow their business. 

So here, we will look at some ways in which to build your holiday brand store strategy on Amazon. 

Add Flare to Your Listings!

Christmas and the advent of a new year have been focal points for retail strategies and the dressing up of window displays to try and entice even more shoppers. 

Today, with so much of our shopping conducted online, it has become equally important for businesses to go the extra mile with their holiday storefronts on Amazon. 

Therefore, it is so important to keep up to date with the new trends in Amazon Storefronts to make the shopping experience of your customers more attractive and pleasant. 

Storefront Dressing

Your Amazon store is your canvas: you can show off your brand, your way.  

From bestseller to new releases, your store is your showroom where you’ll  display your products in almost any manner you see fit. 

With the ability to change the look and layout of your store at any time you choose, maximize that potential when entering the fourth quarter.

It’s simple to do, and with some festive creativity, you will be able to knock up a holiday-themed design for your store in no time at all. 

It will be dependent on your business type, but if you are able to, separate items and compile a list. For example, a shortlist of things ‘for him’ and things ‘for her’, for kids, even family pets. Then, once you have created these lists, use them to showcase the items. 

This is a simple but effective way of highlighting multiple products at once. And hopefully, enticing customers to continue deeper into your store. 

A well set-up ‘window display’ with handpicked products in the spotlight could be the simple step you need to see a large increase in growth over the holiday period.

Deck Your Brand Store on Amazon With Lots of…Promos?

The Fourth Quarter, with all its holidays, is a massive opportunity to get your brand seen.

Last Christmas saw a huge uptick in online sales, and we hope that this year is not the exception.

Promotions aren’t just for Christmas. But they are of great help if you use the data from the rest of the year. 

By examining the data and metrics from your sales and promotions through quarters 1 through 3, you should be well-armed with insights relating to your current and prospective customers. 

From any positive and negative insights harvested from your analysis, you will be well-positioned to tailor a stronger strategy for marketing and promotions through the final quarter of the year. 

Making use of that information for the busiest time of the year can lead to a solid push of your brand all through the holiday season. 

Be Retail-Ready! 

Having concentrated on dressing up your Amazon storefront and developed a promotional strategy for your brand over the holiday, there are two very vital elements that you can’t afford to overlook. 

You need to ensure that you are retail-ready – and that your inventory matches.

What does being retail-ready entail?

Your product listings are complete, They are accurate, and include every bit of relevant information that a customer would and could want. 

Your customers will want to make informed decisions before deciding to buy or not buy a product. It’s as important for them as it is to your business. 

This also means you need to include accurate images of the product – or even better, a brief explainer video detailing the product’s highlights, quickly and concisely. 

Keep an Eye on Inventory

This of course needs to be followed by something that may seem obvious, but bears noting: you have your holiday promotional items in stock. 

Further to that – triple-check supply chain changes.

For all the added demand for online shopping since 2020, there have been issues with supplies in the food chains due to transport and manufacturing issues since the pandemic. 

The last thing you want during a peak period is to let customers down: so be mindful of your inventory and its supply chain.

Those are some of the foundations that need to be in place. 

A Few Extra Tips

Here are a couple of tips to sharpen the points of your holiday brand strategy.

Sponsored Brand Advertising: the fourth quarter of the year is known for being the best time for converting leads via sponsored brand ads. Utilize Amazon’s “Optimize My Ads” feature. By doing this, the search activity of users will influence the adverts they see, making them more relevant, steering you both toward each other.Make offers that are hard to refuse: Ensure you are offering really good deals for the end of Q4. When shopping on Amazon, the general view is that people get what they need, for less, and in a more convenient manner. There are many ways in which you can capitalize on Amazon at Christmas: 

Coupons;Deal-of-the-day;Deal-of-the-week;Lightning deals;Specialized discounts;Events specific to a category or particular product line.

To conclude

We hope these tips help you plan a successful brand store strategy on Amazon. 

With the approach of Christmas, the end of one year, and the beginning of another, even more eyes will be focused on Amazon looking for those perfect gifts. 
It’s a potent time of the year for businesses across every industry, but for retailers especially, there’s no better time to get your brand noticed. Across Amazon, you will be able to take some simple steps to gain some big rewards over the holidays.

Author Bio:

Jean Wilson Murray is a legal expert who is a co-founder of Best LLC Services and has been helping aspiring entrepreneurs start their own companies for seven years already. During this time, he has investigated all the pitfalls in choosing the financial and management structure of a business, the establishment of companies, as well as the legal structures of enterprises and has become a highly skilled professional in this field.


Duline Theogene, Content Marketing Manager at AMZ Advisers

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